Lateral was founded in 2000 by Maria José Oliveira and Agostinha Leite.
The aim was turning it as a reference company in the textile company of pants and sport clothing.
Lateral was the name chosen to this project due to the union of the two sides of the pants which name is lateral.
The national and international crisis marked the beginning of this project. And it was, precisely this adverse situation of economy that leaded these women to join their forces and build this project.
It began as a small firm, with approximately 20 employees, in a simple space divided whith the most importante areas such as logistics, modeling, cut and finish with appropriate way (run point, cut and it sews, stitch, machine of speckling, machine of sewing buttonholes, machine of nailing buttons, machine of putting pockets, english sewing machine, specific machine of putting belts, presses – used in classic pants, seam ruler, etc.) and other necessary machinery.
Humble and diligent Lateral has been growing and, in the presente days, has a considerable dimension. Now Lateral desires to be present in the market with the creation of its own brand of pants and expand business on both internal and external market. It will be a mark with Lateral stamp, where it will be patent the pledge, the dedication and the quality.

Provide innovative ideas, creative solutions of materials and production quality.
Be recognized on the market by the competence, pledge, motivation, responsibility and commitment to the Customer in final work.
We believed that the Lateral`s 16 years experience is a contribute to the success of this Company and allows to believe in its expansion.
Our quality is measured through the satisfaction, loyalty and achieving expectations of Customers.
Believe in a company with 16 years of existence is conquered day by day, in an involvement of all stakeholders (Collaborators, Suppliers and Customers).
Here the customer finds quality, flexible production, competitive prices and time execution.
Lateral wants to reach the best answer to each Customer’s intention and to do that is necessary a good administration of human and financial resources. For a good general acting Lateral encourages an agreement atmosphere with human valorization and investment in a close-knit team and in a good production technology.
With a working group united and motivated, the production is maximized whit lower costs.
The long professional experience, the pledge and the responsibility, allows a high answer capacity and competitiveness in textile production.
Lateral invests in technology and formation of human resources to be updated with at the modern market.
Specialized in pants and sport clothing production, Lateral wishes to give the best answer to other areas in textile making and attempts to different motivations and consumers’ behaviors.
Lateral produces in different segments of the market: storekeeper, mass distribution, traditional scrap and production for own prestige brands.
With it’s own brand the company intends to produce two collections per year – Spring / Summer and Autumn / Winter – developing an own catalog to be diffused in several physic sale points and in the internet.
To Lateral deadline dates are the best answer to different requests of the Customers and the best competitiveness way in business.
In all services we bet in quality. When we do, we do it well.
Lateral wants and provides the interaction with their Customers through communication means and technologies of information like call center, skype, e-mail and web site.
If you want more information about LATERAL, please fill out this form. The LATERAL is happy to answer you with as soon as possible.